Summer Fun Camp
Summer Fun Camp

Care and Safety

During the Traditional Weeks the helpers (Senior Children) are assigned teams with a team leader and they look after every child all day with praiseworthy care and attention. "The relationship between the helpers and the children who attend each week is what makes this Summer Fun Camp so special and popular."

Special Relationship


We take great care over the safety and well being of all personnel at Summer Fun Camp and carry out a thorough risk assessment beforehand with the Principal of Goldwyn and the Director of Summer Fun Camp. Every activity carried out has been properly discussed with our underwriters and fully insured against accidents. Our safety record has always been excellent. Our senior adults are fully trained, and in overall charge of care and safety.


We have a fully qualified lifeguard; walkie talkie system for instant communication and we teach the children all the basic safety rules on site and run practise fire drills.

Our Contact With You

Vitally important for us is that the number you give us to contact you is the one you will answer immediately. It is no good to us if your phone is turned off or you are not answering it.

Things to do now:

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Summer Fun Camp